TM 5-4310-277-25P
c. Description. Indicates the Federal item
Applied to repair parts authorized for lo-
name and any additional description of the
cal procurements. If not obtainable from
item required. The applicable five-digit Fed-
local procurement, such repair parts will
eral Supply Code for manufacturers, in pa-
be requisitioned through normal supply
rentheses, is followed by a part number or
channels with a suporting statement of
other reference number.
nonavailability from local procurement.
Applied to major assemblies that are pro-
d. Unit of Issue. Indicates the unit used as
cured with PEMA (Procurement Equip-
a basis for issue, e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.
ment Missile Army) funds for initial is-
e. Quantity lncorporated in Unit Pack. In-
sue only to be used as exchange assem-
dicates the actual quantity contained in the
blies at DSU and CSU maintenance Ievel.
These assemblies will not he stocked above
unit pack.
DSU and GSU level or returned to depot
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates
supply level.
the quantity of the item used in the functional
(2) Maintenance Code. Indicates the low-
g. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance
est category of maintenance authorized to in-
stall the listed item. The maintenance level
(1) The allowance columns are divided
codes are:
into four subcolumns. Indicated in each sub-
column opposite the first appearance of each
Organizational maintenance
item is the total quantity of items authorized
Direct support maintenance
for the number of equipments supported. Sub-
General support maintenance
sequent appearances of the same item will
Depot maintenance
have no entry in the allowance columns but
(3) Recorerbility Code. Indicates wheth-
will have in the description column a refer-
er unserviceable items should be returned for
ence to the first appearance of the item. Items
recovery or salvage. Items not coded are ex-
authorized for use as required but not for ini-
pendable. Recoverability codes are:
tial stockage are identified with an asterisk
in the allowance column.
(2) The quantitative allowances for or-
Applied to repair parts and assemblies
ganizational Ievel of maintenance represents
which are economically repairable at DSU
and GSU activities and normally are furn-
one initial prescribed load for a 15-day period
ished by supply on an exchange basis.
for the number of equipments supported. Units
Applied to high dollar value recoverable
and organizations authorized additional pre-
repair parts which are subject to special
scribed loads will multiply the number of pre-
handling and are issued on an exchange
scribed loads authorized by the quantity of
basis. Such repair parts normally are re-
repair parts reflected in the appropriate den-
paired or overhauled at depot maintenance
sity column to obtain the total quantity of re-
Applied to repair parts specifically selected
pair parts authorized.
for salvage by reclamation units because
(3) organizational units providing main-
of precious metal content, critical mate-
tenance for more than 100 of these equipments
rials, high dollar value reusable casings or
shall determine the total quantity of parts re-
quired by the equipment quantity to a decimal
( 4 ) This column also lists, below the
factor by placing a decimal point before the
SMR code, an index number for each item in
next to last digit of the number to indicate
ascending numerical sequence, which is used
hundredths, and multiplying the decimal fac-
to locate items in the publication when the
tor by the parts quanity authorized in the
Federal stock number and/or reference num-
51100 allowance column. Example, authorized
ber is known.
allowance for 51100 equipments is 12; for
140 equipments multiply 12 by 1.40 or 16.80
b . Federal Stock Number. Indicates the
rounded off to 17 parts required.
Federal stock number for the item.