TM 5-4310-277-25P
pearance of each item the total quantity au-
(4) Subsequent changes to allowances
thorized for depot maintenance of 100 equip-
will be limited as follows: No change in the
ments. Subsequent appearances of the same
r a n g e of items is authorized. If additional
item will have no entry in this column, but will
items are considered necessary, recommenda-
have in the description column a reference to
tion should be forwarded to U. S. Army Mo-
the first appearance of the item. Items au-
bility Equipment Command for exception or
thorized for use but not for initial stockage
revision to the allowance list. Revisions to the
are identified with an asterisk in the allow-
range of items authorized will be made by this
ance column.
Command based upon engineering experience,
demand data, or TAERS information.
k. Illustration.
h. Thirty-Day DS/GS Maintenance Allow-
(1) Figure Number. Indicates the figure
number of the illustration in which the item
(1) The allowance columns are divided
is shown,
into three subcolumns, Indicated in each sub-
(2) Item Number. Indicates the callout
column, opposite the first appearance of each
number used to reference the item in the il-
item, is the total quantity of items authorized
for the number of equipments supported. Sub-
sequent appearances of the same item will
have no entry in the allowance column, but
a. Identification of the usable on codes of
will have in the description column a reference
this publication are:
to the first appearance of the item. Items au-
thorized for use as required but not for initial
Used on
stock age are identified with an asterisk in the
Model HGR8M1, only
allowance column.
Model HGR5M-1, only
(2) The quantitative allowances for DS/
Uncoded items u/o all models
CS Ievels of maintenance will represent initial
b. Repair parts mortality has been based
stockage for a 30-day period for the number
on 100 hours of operation per year.
of equipments supported.
(3) Determination of the total quantity
c. Parts which require manufacture or as-
of parts required for maintenance of more
sembly at a category higher than that author-
than 100 of these equipments can be accom-
ized for installation will indicate in the source
blished by converting the equipment quantity
column the higher category.
to a decimal factor by placing a decimal point
d . The following publications pertain to
before the next to last digit of the number to
indicate hundredths, and multiplying the deci-
mal factor by the parts quantity authorized in
TM 5-4130-
Operator, Organiza-
the 51100 allowance column. Example, au-
tional, Direct sup-
thorized allowance for 51100 equipments is
port, General Sup-
40; for 150 equipments multiply 40 by 1.50 or
port and Depot
Maintenance Manual
60 parts required.
i. One-Year Allowance Per 100 Equipment/
Organizational, DS
TM 5-3805-
Contingency Planning Purposes. Indicates op-
and GS Maintenance
posite the first appearance of each item the
Repair Parts and
t o t a l quantity required for distribution and
Special Tool Lists
contingency planning purposes. The range of
Operator, Organiza-
TM 9-2330
items indicates total quantities of all author-
tional, DS, GS,
ized items required to provide for adequate
Maintenance In-
support of 100 equipments for one year.
structions with Re-
pair Parts and
j. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100
Special Tool Lists
Equipments. Indicates opposite the first ap-