TM 5-4310-335-14
4-19. Air Compressor Inlet Air Filter
a. General. The inlet air filter is located at the
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
to separate all dust, grit, dirt, debris and other
solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly.
foreign matter larger than 40 microns in size
Dry cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D680
from the inlet air in order to protect the air
and P-S-661) used to clean parts is
compressor stages.
potentially dangerous to personnel and
property. Do not use near open flame or
washers (2), protective cap (3), cap (4),
excessive heat. Flash point of solvent is
packing (5) and the inlet air filter (6).
1000 to 138 (380 to 590C). Clean the
c. Cleaning.
filter by agitating in a suitable cleaning
solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680.
clogging and damage.
e. Replacement. Replace a filter which will not
separate foreign matter.
f. Installation. Position the filter on the air
compressor first stage head. Install the
packing on the cap and install through center
of filter into the 1st stage head. Place the
protective cap over the cap and secure with
four washers and four screws. Torque the
screws to 17 inch-pounds (.20 kg-m) 22 inch-
pounds (.28 kg-m)
Dipstick and Oil Strainer
a. General. The dipstick and oil strainer are
dipstick is used to determine the level of the
lubricating oil in the oil sump, and, the oil
strainer is used to filter out any foreign
particle that would be injurious to the air
compressor from the air compressor
lubricating system.
b. Removal.
(1) Turn counterclockwise and lift the
remove preformed packing (8) from dipstick.
Determine presence of oil in sump. Discard
the packing.
If lubricating oil is present in oil sump collect
the lubricating oil in a suitably sized container.
Check lubricating oil for presence of grit, dirt
or foreign matter.
(2) Unscrew the magnetic drain plug and
Figure 4-1. Inlet air filter and dipstick.
remove with preformed packing from oil sump.
(3) Disconnect the oil supply tube (27, fig.
7-1) from the fitting (29) in
the bottom of