Before you use this table, be sure you have performed all applicable operating checks.
Step 1, Check for a
clogged muffler intake filter,
a. Service the muffler intake filter ( M o d e l HR5-8M-3) as follows:
(1) Remove wingnut (1, fig. 3-2).
(2) Remove cover, lower (2).
(3) Remove plate (6).
(4) Remove element (4).
(5) Remove screen ( 3).
Dry cleaning solvent, PD-680, used to clean parts is potentially dangerous to personnel and
property. Avoid repeated and prolonged skin contact. Do not use near open flame or
excessive heat. Flash point of solvent is 100 F. -- 138 F. (38 C. -- 59 C.).
(6) Use dry cleaning solvent PD680, to clean parts and d thoroughly.
(7) Reassemble the air filter mufflier (Model HR5-8M-37 as follows:
(a) Install the screen (3. fig. 3-2) and element (4) in the plate (6).
(b) Place the plate on the T-stud (9).
(c) Install cover, lower (2) and secure with wingnut (1).
b . Service the
muffler intake filter (Model RR5-8M-4) as follows:
1 Remove
2 Remove
machine screw (2) and separate air intake halves (3).
3 Remove
Dry cleaning solvent, P-W-6809 used to clean parts is potentially dangerous
to personnel and property. Avoid repeated and prolonged skin contact. Do not
use near open flame or excessive heat. Flash point of solvent is 100 F. --
1 5 8 F. (38 C. -- 59 C.).
(4) Use drycleang solvent P-D-680, to clean parts and
d r y thoroughly.
( 5 ) Reassemble the air filter muffler (Model HR5-8M-4) as
(a) Install elements (4 and 5, fig. 3-2.1) in air intake
halves (3) and fit halves, together.
( b ) Install machine screw (2) and secure with square nut (1).
Step 2. Check oil level.
The oil level gage mounted in the compressor crankcase (fig. 33) is a direct-reading, glass covered
gage used to check the level of the oil in the crankcase.
If the oil level is low, remove the oil fill plug (fig. 3-3) and fill with OE/HD 10W 30 lubrica-
tion oil, to the full mark on the oil sight gage. Replace the fill plug.
Change 2