TM 5-4310-352-14
the motor will drive the compressor until the pressure
2-1. Controls and Instruments
switch is actuated (c. below).
a. General. This section will describe the various
c. Pressure Switch. The pressure switch (sheet 1
con- trols and instruments and provide the operator suffi-
cient information to insure proper operation of the air
makes and breaks the electrical circuit that starts and
stops the driving motor. The pressure switch is piped to
b. Motor Starter. The motor starter (fig. 1-1) must
the air receiver and is actuated by changes of air pressure
be connected to a controlled power source of 115 volts
in the air receiver.
alternating current. When that power reaches the motor
starter, and the ON-OFF switch is moved to ON,
Figure 2-1. Air compressor controls and instruments (Sheet 1 of 3).
e. Safety Relief Valves. The two safety relief
and a solid line at 200 psi. When the gage indicator band
blow off at 210 psi. This presents dangerous pressure,
indicates 175 psi (or lower) the pressure switch will turn
should the pressure switch become inoperative.
the drive motor ON. When the indicator reaches 200 psi,
the pressure switch will turn the drive motor OFF.