TM 5-4310-356-14
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting (Cont'd)
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to clean parts is potentially dangerous to personnel and
property. Use in a well ventilated area as the fumes are dangerous if inhaled. Do not use
near open flame or excessive heat. Flash point of solvent is 100 . -138 .
(3) Clean all parts except rotor, bearings and stator in dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 and
wipe dry with a lint free cloth.
(4) Use compressed air to clean dust and dirt off rotor, bearings, and stator, then wipe
with a cloth dampened in dry cleaning solvent P-D-680.
(5) Inspect bearings and rotor shaft for excessive wear, and rough or scored surfaces.
Use a file or emery cloth to smooth rough or scored surfaces. Replace defective bearings
or a defective rotor shaft. If the motor is beyond repair, replace the motor.
(6) Replace stator (15) in frame. Replace rotor and shaft (13), fan (14), front bearing (10),
shim (9), front endbell (10), baffle (8), rear bearing (12), spring (6), rear endbell (5), and
four bolts (4).
(7) Replace key (3) in shaft, pulley (2) on shaft, and replace the setscrew (1).
f. Mount electric motor on compressor and replace mounting bolts.
g. Connect electrical leads.
h. Replace V-belts and slide motor away from compressor to tighten V-belts to proper
tension. Tighten motor mounting bolts.
i. Replace V-belt guard and replace attaching hardware.
j. Reconnect main power source.
Check motor leads for proper connection in magnetic starter box. If motor leads are not connected properly, repair
as follows:
a. Disconnect main power source.
b. Remove screw from bottom of magnetic starter box cover and remove the cover.
c. Look on the name plate on the motor to check the correct way the leads should be
connected into the magnetic starter box.
d. Connect the terminal lead from the motor ma rked T1 to the screw marked T1 in the
magnetic starter box. Follow the same procedure with terminal T2 and T3.
e. Replace the magnetic starter box and replace the cover screw.
f. Reconnect the main power source.
Step 1.
Use a volt meter and check for low line voltage from power source.
If voltage is low from power source, connect to another power source.
Step 2.
Check V-belts for out of alinement. Also make a visual inspection of belts and condition to
determine if the belts require removal for cleaning and deglazing. If deglazing appears necessary,
remove the lock belt guard.
a. Loosen motor mounting screws (fig. 5-4) securing motor to receiver. Move motor
toward compressor, then lift belts off of the pulley .