TM 5-4310-356-14
wipe with a cloth dampened in an approved cleaning
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(2) Inspect the contact board contacts for
interlock assembly (18), overload relay (17), coil heater
pitting or burning.
(16), operating coil (15), contact carrier (14), contact kit
(13) and contact cap (12).
(3) Inspect diaphragm for cracks or breaks
and general condition.
magnetic starter in reverse order of the removal
(4) Inspect all threaded parts for damaged or
defective threads.
(5) Repair or replace damaged or defective
5-8. Air Pressure Switch.
parts as necessary.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
pressure switch as shown.
diaphragm (2), diaphragm plate (13), lever (12), toggle
adjusting screw (4), differential adjusting screw and nut
(11), toggle spring (10), contact board assembly (7),
(5), top bar (6), equalizer spring (8), main spring (9),
conical spring (30, main spring (9), equalizer spring (8),
conical spring (3), contact board assembly (7), toggle
top bar (6), in frame assembly (14), securing with
spring (10), toggle (11), lever (12), diaphragm plate (13)
differential adjusting screw and nut (5), and pressure
and diaphragm (2) from frame assembly (14).
adjusting screw (4). Install cover (1).
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
switch reversing the removal procedure.
(1) Use compressed air and remove all dust
(3) Set air pressure adjustment as described
and dirt from pressure switch components, then