TM 5-4310-358-14
b. Lubricate the compressor in accordance with the
lubrication order.
c. Check the drive-belt tension frequently.
Improper drive-belt tension often results in overheating.
Should the compressor fail to start,
receiver tank clean.
c. Stopping.
Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas.
a. Lubricate the air compressor in accordance with
the lubrication chart, making sure that all lubrication
points are free from dirt and sand before applying
lubricant. Keep all lubricant containers clean and tightly
bottom of air receiver tank to release the compressed air
closed. Do not lubricate excessively as dirt and sand will
adhere to excess lubricant and may work into moving
parts. Wipe off all lubrication points after lubricating.
b. Keep the motor, magnetic starter, compressor,
and air receiver tank free from accumulations of dirt and
sand. Use compressed air for cleaning or a stiff brush
Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0 F.) (-18
where deposits are oily, gummy, or heavy.
c. Protect the air compressor from dust with
a. Locate the air compressor in a shed or building
screens, shelters built from tarpaulins, or other dust
whenever possible. If the unit is operated outdoors,
proof material. Keep the unit covered when not in use.
protect it from prevailing winds and cover it with a
tarpaulin when not in use.
than when operating under normal conditions.
b. Lubricate the air compressor according to the
lubrication order.
Operation in Salt Water or High Humidity
c. Avoid excessive handling, kinking, and sharp
bending of the air hose, which will become brittle at low
a. Protect the unit with a shelter of some kind.
Keep the sides of the shelter open for ventilation.
d. Clean and tighten all wiring connections. Make
b. Wipe the unit dry at frequent intervals, with
sure there are no short circuits. As wiring insulation
particular emphasis on the electric motor and magnetic
tends to become brittle at low temperatures, avoid
starter. If the unit becomes encrusted with salt, wash it
excessive handling and sharp bending of wires. Protect
with fresh water, taking care not to damage the electrical
the electric motor and magnetic starter from snow and
system with water.
c. Make sure all surfaces requiring lubrication are
clean and dry before applying lubricant. Lubricate the
unit in accordance with the lubrication order.
Drain the air receiver tank after
operating the air compressor to
d. Coat exposed polished or machined metal
surfaces with a suitable rustproof material after first
removing accumulations of rust.
Operation in Extreme Heat.
e. Open the drain cock frequently
a. Locate the air compressor in an operating area
condensate from the air receiver tank.
that is well ventilated or provide intake and exhaust fans
to ventilate enclosed areas.