TM 5-4310-358-14
coil (14), coil heater (15), overload relay (16), and
that spring sleeve and spring have not been dislodged.
interlock assembly (17).
Assemble release valve plunger (28), ball (25), spring
(24) and body (23), install into cover (27). Secure by
b. Cleaning, inspection and Repair.
screwing in release valve body (23) into cover (27).
(1) Use compressed air and remove all dust
(7) Reassemble and install flywheel, piston
or dirt from magnetic starter components.
and connecting rod assemblies, and cylinder as
coil, relay overload, contact carrier and interlock
assembly. Replace defective parts.
5-6. Electric Motor.
action. Replace a defective on-off switch.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
electric motor.
interlock assembly (17), overload relay (16), coil heater
(1), pulley (2), and key (3).
(15), operating coil (14), contact carrier (13), contact kit
(3) Remove four thru bolts (4), fan guard (8),
(12) and contact cap (11).
lockring (9), fan (10), spacer (11), rear end shield
assembly (12), bearing (13), front end shield (5), bearing
magnetic starter in reverse order of the removal
(6), spring (7), rotor and shaft (15), capacitor case (16),
capacitor (17) from stator frame and base (23).
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
5-8. Air Pressure Switch.
(1) Clean all parts except rotor, bearings and
a. Removal and Disassembly.
stator in an approved cleaning solvent and wipe dry with
a lint free cloth.
pressure switch as shown.
(2) Use compressed air to clean dust and dirt
off rotor, bearings, and stator, then wipe with a cloth
adjusting screw (4), differential adjusting screw and nut
dampened in an approved cleaning solvent.
(5), top bar (6), equalizer spring (8), main spring (9),
(3) Inspect bearings and rotor shaft for
conical spring (3), contact board assembly (7), toggle
excessive wear, and rough or scored surfaces. Replace
spring (10), toggle (11), lever (12), diaphragm plate (13)
defective bearings. Replace a defective rotor shaft.
and diaphragm (2) from frame assembly (14).
c. Reassembly and Installation.
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(1) Use compressed air and remove all dust
(17 and 18), capacitor case (16) on stator frame and
and dirt from pressure switch components, then wipe
base (23).
with a cloth dampened in an approved cleaning solvent.
(2) Install rotor and shaft (15), spring (7),
(2) Inspect the contact boar d contacts for
bearing (6), front end shield (5), bearing (13), rear end
pitting or burning.
shield assembly (12), spacer (11), fan (10), lockring (9),
(3) Inspect diaphragm for cracks or breaks
fan guard (8), and four thru bolts (4).
and general condition.
(4) Inspect all threaded parts for damaged or
electric motor assembly.
defective threads.
(5) Repair or replace damaged or defective
5-7. Magnetic Starter.
parts as necessary.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
magnetic starter as shown.
diaphragm (2), diaphragm plate (13), lever (12), toggle
(11), toggle spring (10), contact board assembly
cap (11), contact kit (12), contact carrier (13), operating