TM 5-4310-360-14
of compression is dissipated. The second stage is
similar to the first, except the air enters the high
pressure cylinder and is recompressed to higher
The compressor is a two-cylinder, two-stage,
pressure. The air next flows through the after-
air cooled unit. It will deliver 5 cfm of air at 175
cooler where it is cooled before passing into the
psig to the air receiver tank when belt-driven by
air receiver tank.
the gasoline engine running at a speed of 3,600
rpm (revolutions per minute). Filtered air as shown
1-14. Engine.
inder (the large one) at atmospheric pressure as the
piston moves down. Air is compressed when the
piston is moving upward, this action closes the
Standard Model 1 A08-III, 1.5 HP gasoline engine.
inlet valves and opens the outlet valves, through
Refer to TM 5-2805-256-14 for a description of
which the air is forced into the intercooler. As the
the engine.
air flows through the intercooler much of the heat
1-7(1-8 Blank)