TM 5-4310-360-14
the spark plug. Before installing the spark
4-9. General.
plug, check the gap between the electrodes
with a wire or leaf thickness gage. A slight
drag should be felt. The desired clearance
is 0.028 inch (0.07112cm) to 0.030 inch
currents. The methods used on the military engine
(.08382 cm). Adjust the gap by bending the
include shielding the high-frequency and ignition
outside electrode until the gap is properly,
wires, grounding the frame with bonding straps,
set. Install the plug. Use a torque wrench
and using radio frequency filters composed of
and tighten the spark plug to 275-300
capacitors and resistors.
Spark Plug. The spark plugs are integrally
Spark Plug Cables. Loosen the connector
shielded and suppressed and are located in
nut on each of the cable and remove the
the cylinder head.
cable. When installing the cable, make sure
the coil spring on each end of the spark plug
Spark Plug Cable. The high tension spark
cable is seated before tightening the con
plug cable is encased in braided metal
nector nuts.
shields. It is connected to the spark plug
and engine coil cover.
Bonding Strap. Remove the nut attaching
Bonding Strap. The bonding strap is con-
the bonding strap to the contact assembly
nected to the governor and accessory case
cover. Remove the screw attaching the bond
ing strap to the governor housing. Remove
the bonding strap. When installing the
4-1 1. Replacement of Suppression Components.
bonding strap, make sure the contact as-
sembly cover nut and the governor housing
Spark Plug. Loosen the nut on the spark
screw are tight.
plug cable and remove the cable. Remove
Cleaning and Inspection.
4-12. Fuel Tank Assembly.
WARNING: Drycleaning solvent, P-D-680,
used to clean parts is potentially dangerous
to personnel and property. Avoid repeated
and prolonged skin contact by wearing
drain contents of the fuel tank into a
rubber or solvent impermeable gloves when
suitable container.
handling the solvent or material wet with
drycleaning solvent. Wash hands immedi-
Disconnect fuel hose assembly (10)
ately after exposure with soap and water and
from fuel tank.
use a lanolin based skin cream to prevent
skin drying. Do not use near open flame or
Remove cap screw (1 ), nut (2), lock-
excessive heat. Flash point of solvent is
washer (3) and hanger (4) from fuel
100F (38C). Ensure that ventilation
tank. Remove fuel tank.
adequate to reduce solvent vapor concen-
trations below acceptable threshold limit
Remove cap and chain (6). gasket (7)
values is provided.
and strainer (8) from fuel tank.
Change 1