TM 5-4310-378-14
R e m o v e clip (8), thrust washer (9), and ratchet retainer (4). Reel (5) will completely
u n w i n d as these parts are removed.
T a k e out compression spring (10), return spring (7), and two ratchets (11). The end
of return spring (7) is hooked in a hole in the reel (5) hub.
U s e care to ensure that power spring (6) remains in recess of
h o u s i n g (12) and does not pop out. Do not remove p o w e r
spring (6) except for replacement.
Slowly lift reel (5) from support shaft in housing (12). If power spring (6) escapes or
i s purposely removed, perform steps 10 through 14 to i n s t a l l it.
O b t a i n a piece of 16 or 18 gauge soft iron wire approximately 15 inches (381 mm)
l o n g and twist the ends together to form a loop 3.15 inches (80 mm) inside diameter.
Wind the power spring (6) inside the wire loop; start with the outer loop of the spring
a n d wind in a counterclockwise direction.
P l a c e the power spring (6) and wire loop assembly over the recess in the reel (5).
Align the hook in the outer loop of the power spring (6) over the tension tab in the
reel (5).
C a r e f u l l y press the spring out of the wire loop and into the recess in the reel (5).
Remove pieces of broken rope. Discard.
I n s t a l l free end (without handle) of rope assembly (3) into guide bushing of housing
(12) and through hole in reel (5) groove.
Pull rope (3) out through cavity opening and tie an overhand knot about 1 inch (25
m m ) from end.
S t u f f knot into cavity opening.
S p r e a d a film of light grease on power spring (6) and support shaft.
I n s t a l l the reel (5) so that inner loop of power spring (6) engages the tang next to the
s u p p o r t shaft in the housing (12).
Wind rope assembly (3) 2-1/2 turns clockwise in reel (5) and lock rope in notch of
r e e l pulley.
T u r n reel (5) counterclockwise until tang engages notch in power spring.
U s e fingers to restrain the reel (5) and keep it from popping out and unwinding.