TM 5-4310-379-145-13. Blower Assembly (Cont).(n)Remove four bolts (22) and lockwashers (23) securing the air heater pad cover (24) and removecover and gasket (25).(o) Remove two bolts (26) and lockwasher (27) securing rear end plate cover (28) and remove coverand gasket (29).(p)Remove two plugs (30) from blower housing.WARNINGDry cleaning solvent PD-680 used to clean parts is potentially dangerous to personnel andproperty. Avoid repeated and prolonged skin contact. Do not use near open flame or excessiveheat. Flash point of solvent is 100-138°F (38-60°C).(q)Clean all items, except bearing, with dry cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.(r)Inspect rotor shaft oil seal (21) and replace if rough or hard or otherwise damaged.(s)Inspect bearings (15) and (16) for any corrosion or pitting and replace if worn or otherwise damaged.(t)Inspect rotor shafts (4) serrations for wear, burrs orpeening and replace if scored, worn, or otherwisedamaged.(u)Inspect housing (14) and end plates (9) and (19) for scoring or burred and replace if cracked orotherwise damaged.(v)Inspect gears (3) and replace if worn, teeth chipped or otherwise damaged.(2)Assemble. (figure 5-11)(a)Install rear end plate cover (1) and gasket (2) and secure with two bolts (3) and lockwashers (4).(b)Install air heater pad cover (5) and gasket (6) and secure with four bolts (7) and lockwashers (8).(c)Press oil seals (9) in end plates (10) and (11).(d)Install rear end plate (11) on housing (12) and secure with five bolts (13) and lockwashers (14).Torque bolts to 13-17 Ib-ft (18-23 Nm).CAUTIONCare must be taken when installing rotor shaft not to damage oil seals.(e)Install oil seal pilot on short end of rotor shaft and install rotor shafts (15) simultaneously through oilseals (9) and into rear end plate (11). Then remove oil seal pilot.(f)Install oil seal pilot on end of rotor shaft and then install front end plate (10) on housing (12) andsecure with four bolts (16) and lockwashers (17). Torque bolts to 13-17 lb-ft (18-23 Nm). Removeoil seal pilot.(g)Install one long bolt (18) and lockwasher (19). Torque bolt to 13-17 Ib-ft (18-23 Nm).5-38
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