TM 5-4310-386-14
a. Cleaning Components or Assemblies (excluding hose assemblies).
Chemical protective gloves should be worn to prevent skin irritation from detergent and hot
(1) Disassemble components down to the smallest parts. Separate soft goods and clean as specified in
paragraph 4-61.
(2) Clean each component by scrubbing with a non-ionic detergent solution (1/2 teaspoon 2.4mL) detergent
to 1 gallon (3.8 L) water using a nylon bristle brush and clean cloths.
(3) Rinse with distilled water at 125 degrees F (54 degrees C) until effluent shows no visible signs of
(4) Collect some of the water rinsed over the items in a flask that can be fitted with a rubber stopper. Shake
the flask for a few seconds and if any bubbles form and remain on the surface of the water in the flask,
continue to rinse item until no bubbles form and remain in the sample flask.
(5) Purge with dry, oil-free nitrogen until visually dry, or allow to air dry. The following dated and signed
records shall be maintained:
(a) Identification of all parts cleaned.
(b) Results of shake test.
(6) Reassemble as outlined on assembly or component drawing.
(7) Double bag all components in plastic and close securely.
b. Cleaning Hose Assemblies.
(1) Clean hose assemblies in accordance with the following steps using the specific materials and utilizing
proper equipment. Pre-clean hose assemblies outside the clean area by rinsing externally with distilled
(2) Most hose assemblies will not lend themselves to disassembly. Disassemble to maximum extent without
removing fittings or clamps.
(3) The cleaning solution shall be made by adding 1/2 ounce (14.7mL) non-ionic detergent to each 80
gallons (302.8 L) or distilled water.
(4) Heat the cleaning solution to 120 degrees F (49 degrees C) and circulate through the hose assembly for
30 minutes at a flow rate of not less than 1 gallon (3.8 L) per minute.
(5) Rinse the hose assembly with distilled water heated to 125 degrees F (52 degrees C) for 30 minutes
minimum at a flow rate of not less than 1 gallon (3.8 L) per minute. Do not recirculate the water.