TM 5-4310-452-14
This Task Covers:
a. Removal
b. Installation
Initial Setup:
Equipment Conditions:
Equipment Conditions (Con't):
Engine off.
Solenoid valve removed (see paragraph 4-59).
Storage batteries removed (see paragraph 4-57).
Compressor oil lines and fittings disconnected
Roof assembly removed (see paragraph 5-31).
(see paragraph 4-86).
Exhaust manifold removed (see paragraph 4-14).
Unloader valve assembly removed (see para-
Intake manifold removed (see paragraph 4-15).
graph 4-90).
Oil cooler removed (se e paragraph 4-17).
Compressor fan and fan drive removed (see
Oil line removed (see paragraph 4-20).
paragraph 4-92).
Metering fuel pump removed (see para-
Blowdown valve removed (see paragraph 4-95).
graph 4-22).
Fuel injection pump and governor removed (see
Fuel lines and fittings removed (see para-
paragraph 5-20).
graph 4-24).
Engine throttle control removed (see para-
graph 4-25).
Three resilient mounts
Engine stop cable at governor disconne cted (see
Nine lockwashers
paragraph 4-29),
Blower assembly fan removed (see para-
graph 4-32).
Tools/Test Equipment:
Cowling, duct, guide rail, shield, and plates
General mechanic's tool kit
removed (see paragraph 4-34).
Hoist, 2000 lb. minimum capacity
Idler pulley removed (see paragraph 4-35).
Sling, 2000 lb. minimum capacity
Alternator removed (see paragraph 4-36).
Two lifting eyebolts (Fabricated, Appendix G)
Starter motor removed (see paragraph 4-39).
Belt break switch removed (see paragraph 4-42).
Personnel Required: Two
Oil temperature switch removed (see para-
graph 4-43).
Engine and compressor must be removed as a complete unit. Compressor mounting bracket
supports rear of the engine. If engine and compressor are separated before removal, major
damage to engine, compressor, and trailer can result.
Install lifting eyebolts (8) in threaded holes (3) at each end of engine (4).
Position hoist (9) in place over engine (4) and compressor (11). Attach lifting sling (10) to lifting eyebolts (8) and
hoist. Take up slack in lifting sling and hoist.
Remove screw (12), 2 loop clamps (14), and wiring harness (13) from mounting bracket (17).
Remove screw (25), 2 loop clamps (23), and 2 wiring harnesses (24) from side of engine (4).