(3) Have a second person depress and hold down
the by pass switch (fig. 2-5).
Do not crank the engine more than 30
(4) Give a fast strong steady pull the full length
seconds continuously without allowing a
of the rope. If the engine does not start at the first
two minute cooling period for the starter.
attempt, increase choking and crank again.
(5) After the engine starts, gradually push the
Do not operate the engine if oil pressure
choke control in until the engine runs smoothly. In-
gage fails to register or if the ammeter
crease throttle if necessary, and release by-pass
does not show a tendency to charge.
c. Manual Starting of Engine.
(1) Perform steps 1 through 5 ( fig. 2-5).
2-11. Stopping the Engine
(2) Wind the starting rope in a clockwise direction
a. Normal Stopping. Stop the engine as illustrated
around the engine flywheel leaving about 6 inches
in figure 2-6.
free at handle end.