TM 5-4930-207-34
Section VlI. SKID BASE
b. Repair.
5 - 2 2 . Skid Base Removal
(1) Reweld a broken weld.
a. Components. For removal of engine assem-
(2) Replace a skid base that is beyond repair.
pumps, reel bank assembly, alcohol injector as-
sembly, and control panel assembly refer to TM
5-24. Skid Base Installation
a. Skid Base. Install 6 screws, washers, and
b. Skid base. Remove 6 screws, washers, and
nuts securing the skid base to the trailer frame
nuts that attach the skid base to the trailer frame.
(TM 5-4930-207-12).
Remove skid base from trailer (TM 5-4930-207-
b. Components. Refer in TM 5-4930-207-12
5 - 2 3 . Skid Base Inspection and Repair
s e m b l y , three lubricating pumps, reel bank
assembly, alcohol injector assembly, and control
a. lnspection. Inspect the skid base for exces-
panel assembly.
sive dents or broken welds.