TM 5-4930-207-34
Figure 6-5. Backplate, removal and installation.
Section Il.
b. Inspection.
6-7. General
(1) Inspect axle for bends, broken welds, and
The trailer axle is a welded assembly consisting
worn bearing journals.
of an axle tube and a tie beam connecting the axle
tube with a stub axle on which the wheels are
(2) Inspect bearings for excessive wear.
mounted. The axle tube is mounted to the trailer
c. Repair.
frame with two bearings, one on each side of the
trailer frame, A shock absorber mounting link is
(1) Replace a defective axle assembly.
welded to each end of the axle tube.
(2) Replace damaged or defective mounting
hardware and lubrication fittings.
6-8. Axle Assembly
d. Installation.
a. Removal.
(1) To remove the axle assembly refer to TM
5-4930-207-12 to remove the shock absorbers,
springs, and brake assemblies.
(2) Install the brake assemblies, springs, and
shock absorbers as instructed in TM 5-4930-