Figure 6-2 Hydraulic master cylinder, disassembly and reassembly.
f. Installation. Installation of wheel cylinders
d. Repair. Replace all defective parts.
is given in TM 5-4930-207-12.
semble the brakeshoe.
6-6. Backplate
f. Installation. Install the brakeshoes as in-
structed in TM 5-4930-207-12.
a. Removal.
(1) Remove brakeshoes and wheel cylinders
6-5 Wheel Cylinders
as instructed in TM 5-4930-207-12.
a. Removal. Remove the wheel cylinders as in-
(2) Refer to figure 6-5 and remove back-
structed in TM 5-4930-207-12.
b. Disassembly. Refer to figure 6-4 and disas-
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
semble the wheel cylinder in numerical sequence.
(1) Clean backplate and dry thoroughly.
c. Inspection.
(2) Inspect for cracks, breaks, and other
(1) Inspect the inside of cylinder for pits,
damage, replace a defective backplate.
scratches, and rust.
c. Installation.
(2) Inspect spring for distortion or fatigue.
(1) Refer to figure 6-5 and install the back-
d. Repair. Replace damaged or defective parts,
(2) Install brakeshoes and wheel cylinders
semble the wheel cylinders.
as instructed in TM 5-4930-207-12.