TM 5-4930-218-14
The fuel level gage and the oil pressure gage are
c. Two manual controls are mounted on the control
operated by the engine electrical system through sen-
panel. One is the choke control (7) and the other is the
sors mounted on the fuel tank and on the engine. The
engine throttle control (8). They connect to the car-
ammeter is connected into the battery charging cir-
buretor choke lever and throttle lever, respectively.
cuit to indicate the status of charge or discharge to
the batteries. The air pressure gage is operated by air
pressure through an air tube connected into the air
4-28. Control Panel Gages
a. Removal.
b. Three switches are mounted on the control panel
(1) Disconnect and tag the electrical leads to the
to control engine operation. The ignition switch (10)
is a toggle type, and the starter switch (9) and oil
fuel level gage (5, fig. 4-5), oil pressure gage (6), and
pressure override switch (6) are both pushbutton