136. Description
The two piston-type clay diggers (fig. 64) are light weight units designed for overhead and side wall work. The digger
is equipped with a closed handle and inside trigger. When not in use, the clay diggers and their attachments (two clay
spades, two flat picks and two moil points) are stored in the engine side tool box.
Figure 64. Clay digger.
137. Tabulated Data
Manufacturer .................................................................................. Le Roi--Cleveland
Model number ................................................................................ 31
Weight ............................................................................................ 18 Ibs
Overall length ................................................................................. 19 in.
Recommended hose size .............................................................. in.
Air connection ................................................................................ 3/8 in. pipe
Recommended air pressure .......................................................... 80 to 90 psi
Air requirements............................................................................. .40 cfm
138. Precautions
In order to safeguard the operator and to insure longer operating life of the equipment, the following precautionary
measures always must be taken.
a. Never neglect the necessary lubrication procedures (para. 140a).
b. If possible, avoid operating the clay digger with air pressures greater than 90 psi.
c. Always turn off the clay digger before laying it down.