The top and side covers are hinged to give the operating or maintenance personnel easy access to the equipment.
128. Housing Removal
Remove the hoses and hose reels (par. 113). Turn the eight handles (9, fig. 61) up. Remove the side doors (2 and
3), and the side panels (11 and 16). Remove the hood top door (6), the hood top panel (13), and the hood top panel (5).
Remove the side panel (8), the side panel (12), the side panel (4), and the side panel (1). Remove the hood end support
(14) with the radiator guard (15), and the hood end support (7). Lift out the cross-member supports, the straps, and hood
top support with rubber packing and the hood top panels.
129. Housing Inspection and Repair
Inspect all the doors and panels for corrosion, tears, or breaks. Remove all corrosion and repaint immediately (par.
43). Straighten-any distorted surfaces, and reweld any torn spots before repainting. Inspect the handle springs (10, fig.
61) and clamp springs for breakage and replace any that are damaged. Replace any bent or broken handles.
130. Housing Installation
Install the housing in the reverse order of removal. See paragraph 128.