(8) Attach the actuator to the grease gun tube and with the gasket in place, screw the actuator into the tube ring
as tightly as required to affect an air seal.
(9) Select an adapter from the grease gun kit and attach it to the grease gun nozzle outlet.
b. Filling the Grease Gun Manually.
(1) Remove the actuator and nozzle from the grease gun tube.
(2) Using the pull handle as instructed in a above, pull the rod outward as far as possible, drawing the grease
slider toward the actuator end of the tube.
(3) Hold the tube with the open end up and pack solidly with grease. Screw the nozzle securely upon the tube
with the nozzle gasket in place.
(4) Remove the pull handle as instructed in a above. Then attach an adapter to the nozzle outlet.
(5) Connect the air line coupler to the grease gun.
c. Operating the Grease Gun.
(1) Press the actuator trigger, allowing the pistol to discharge grease.
(2) Release the trigger for a second or two while the actuator piston completes its stroke. The completion of
the stroke will be evidenced by a slight click, and the grease slider will then recharge to the nozzle.
(3) Continue to alternately press and release the trigger at the fastest practical speed, considering the physical
characteristics of the grease being dispensed.
(4) If necessary to bleed air from the high pressure grease tube, press down upon the small valve located in the
grease gun nozzle.
170. Servicing
a. Lubrication. The grease gun must be lubricated weekly with OE, engine oil. Apply the lubricant to the cylinder
walls of the actuator. Also, squirt 6 to 8 drops of oil into the air line fitting of the actuator. Remove the actuator from t he
grease gun. Hold the grease gun tube with the open end up, and allow several drops of oil to run down into the tube
around the pull rod and down to the O ring.
b. Correcting Air Leaks
(1) If air leaks around the trigger when it is fully depressed, it is possible that the valve stem of the actuator has
be come unseated. Press the trigger down and tap it sharply with a hammer directly above the valve stem.