167. Tabulated Data
Manufacturer ......................................................................................... Gray Co., Inc.
Model number ....................................................................................... 225-047
Weight ................................................................................................... 25 lbs
Recommended hose size ..................................................................... in.
Recommended hose pressure.............................................................. 80 to 100 psi
Air requirements.................................................................................... 1 cfm max
168. Precautions
a. Be sure to blow out the air hose before connecting it to the air inlet of the grease gun.
b. Be sure to attach the proper nozzle to the grease gun. The nozzle with the round adapter is for the high pressure
gun having the small piston. The nozzle with the hexagon adapter is for the low pressure gun having the larger piston.
c. Be sure to lubricate the gun regularly (at least every 2 to 3 weeks) as instructed in paragraph 170a.
169. Operation
a. Filling the Grease Gun by Suction.
(1) Before filling the gun for the first time, lubricate the inner wall of the grease gun tube with OE, engine oil.
(2) Attach the actuator to the grease gun by engaging the ball in the end of the grease gun with the socket in
the end of the actuator.
(3) Connect a 1/4-inch air hose to the air source and to the air line coupler.
(4) Attach the air line coupler to the fitting in the actuator and press the actuator trigger, driving the slider to the
nozzle end of the tube. Disconnect the coupler and remove the actuator.
(5) Attach the pull handle to the grease gun by engaging a steel ball with the notch in the handle. With the
opening of the tube completely submerged in lubricant, slowly drive the pull rod outward 'as far as possible
until the gun has been filled with grease.
(6) Screw the nozzle securely onto the grease tube with the nozzle gasket in place.
(7) Rap the pull handle sharply with the heel of the hand, push the rod inward, and remove the handle.