4-9.4 Air Compressor Assembly Maintenance. The best way to maintain the air compressor assembly is to
inspect on a regular basis so minor faults can be discovered and corrected before they result in serious
damage, failure, or injury. This section contains systematic instructions for inspection, adjustment, and
correction of the compressor components to avoid costly repairs or major breakdowns.
4-9.4.1 Shortcomings. Report shortcomings on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance
worksheet, immediately after the PMCS and before taking corrective action. They will also be reported in the
equipment log.
4-9.4.2 Troubleshoot. If something does not work, troubleshoot it with the instructions in your manual or
notify your supervisor.
4-9.4.3 Order Your Preventive Maintenance. Always do your PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE in the same
4-9.4.4 Repairs/Adjustments. If anything looks wrong and you can not fix it, write in on your DA Form
2404. If you find something seriously wrong, report it to your supervisor RIGHT NOW.
4-9.4.5 Tools. When you do your PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE, take along the tools you will need to
make all the checks. Take along a wiping rag (Appendix E, item 3). You will always need at least one.
4-9.4.6 Clean Work Area. Keep work areas clean. Dirt, grease, oil, and debris only get in the way and may
cover up a serious problem. Clean as you work and as needed. Use dry cleaning solvent (Appendix E, item
2) on all metal surfaces. Use soap and water when you clean rubber or plastic material.
4-9.4.7 Hardware/Welds/Electrical Connections. Check bolts, nuts, and screws for obvious looseness,
missing, bent, or broken condition. You cannot try them all with a tool, of course, but look for chipped paint,
bare metal, or rust around bolt heads. If you find one you think is loose, tighten it or report it to your
supervisor if you cannot tighten it. Look at welds for loose or chipped paint, rust, or gaps where parts are
welded together. If you find a bad weld, report it to your supervisor. Look at electrical wiring for cracked or
broken insulation, bare wires, and loose or broken connections. Make sure wires are in good shape.
4-9.5 Unit PMCS Table. Refer to Table 4-1 for Unit preventive maintenance checks.