TM 5-4310-227-15
(10) Remove the 4 screws (25) that secure
magnetic rotor. The impulse coupling is used
to provide an intense spark for starting the en-
the bearing support plate assembly
(26) in the frame (44) and remove
gine. Models
B M W - 4 5 2 - E N G and BMW-
452-ENG-1 have an electric starter and gen-
the support plate assembly. Remove
erator. Refer to TM 5-2805-203-14 for data
the 2 shims (29) from the rotor shaft.
applicable to model OEG-458-ENG-3.
Use a suitable press and remove the
rotor sleeve bearing (24) from the
bearing support plate.
(11) Remove the sleeve nut (32) on the
a. Removal and Disassembly.
rotor (27).
(12) Remove the sleeve bearing (33) from
the rotor shaft.
(13) Use a pair of pliers and grasp one of
(3) R e m o v e the breaker arm terminal
the drive lugs on the coupling shell
(35); turn the coupling shell clock-
(10) and remove the capacitor lead
wise and slowly pull outward at the
(9), coil lead, and breaker arm and
same time. Pull the coupling shell
spring (15) from the contact set sup-
just far enough so that a screwdriver
port plate (2).
can be inserted behind the coupling
(4) Remove the fulcrum retaining ring
shell to remove the drive spring (36)
(17) and remove the breaker arm and
from its anchor slot in the coupling
shell. R e m o v e the coupling shell
s p r i n g (15) from the fulcrum pin
(16). Remove the breaker arm flat
from the rotor.
wick (12) from the breaker arm.
(14) Remove the coupling hub assembly
(5) Remove the two locking screws (8
(37) from the rotor. Lift the drive
spring (36 ) and the torsion spring
washers (14 and 7) that secure the
(38) from the coupling hub.
contact set support plate (2) to the
(15) Remove the woodruff key (28) from
bearing support plate assembly (1).
the keyway in the rotor shaft.
Remove the cam wick and holder as-
(16) R e m o v e the outer end flat washer
sembly (6) and contact set support
(39), plain seal (40), and inner end
plate from the magneto
flat washer (41) from the rotor.
(6) Remove the screw (5) that secures the
(17) Remove the retaining ring (42) from
capacitor (4) and the bearing support
the rotor.
plate and remove the capacitor.
(18) Use a suitable press and remove the
(7) Remove the knurled nut (22, fig. 4-
rotor from the annular ball bearing
(31) inside the magneto frame (44).
pushbutton (21) in the ignition shield
(19) Remove the rrtaining ring (30) that
(16) and remove the ground switch
secures the ball bearing (31) in place
inside the frame and press the ball
(8) Remove the ground switch retaining
bearing out of the frame.
ring (18) from the pushbutton (21)
(20) Remove the pawl stop pin (43) from
and separate the bushing (19) spring
the threaded hole inside the frame.
(20), and pushbutton.
(21) Remove the two vent assemblies (para
(9) Remove the two setscrews (45) that
secure the magneto coil (1) in the
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
m a g n e t o frame (44) and remove
(1) Clean all metal parts in an approved
the coil. Remove the screw (3) that
cleaning solvent and blow them dry
secures the coil clip (2) to the coil
with compressed air.
and remove the clip.