TM 5-4310-227-15
(8) Inspect the electrical contact brushes
ings housing. If the lamp lights, a
for cracks, breaks, or excessive wear.
ground exists and the defective wash-
Replace the brushes if worn to one-
ers between the terminal stud and the
half their original length or if other-
field windings housing must be re-
wise defective.
placed. Test between the leads of the
(9) Inspect the electrical leads for breaks
field windings and the field windings
or frayed condition. Inspect the brush
housing. If the lamp lights, a ground
and field connecting lead for breaks
exists and the defective field wind-
or frayed condition and for brittle,
ings must be replaced.
broken or cracked insulation. Replace
d. Reassembly. Reassemble starter in accord-
defective parts.
(10) Clean the starter drive with a clean
cloth dampened in an approved clean-
ing solvent. Inspect the starter drive
4-21. Starter (Model BMW-452-ENG-1)
assembly for worn or broken parts.
a. Removal and Installation. Remove and
Replace if defective.
(11) Inspect the sleeve bearings for scor-
ing, breaks, warped condition, or oth-
assemble the starter. Due to the method of in-
er damage. Replace defective parts.
stalling field coils and other components in
(12) Test the assembled commutator end
head and brushholders with a test
blies, it is necessary to replace the frame and
lamp circuit. Test between the brush-
field assembly as a unit if field coils are re-
mounted on the insulated
hinge pins and the end head. If the
c. Cleaning, Inspection, Testing and Repair.
l a m p lights, a grounded condition
e x i t s and the defective insulated
T h e proper
s p e c t i o n , testing, and repair.
h i n g e pins or insulated stop pins
minimum brush spring tension for the 24-volt
m u s t be replaced. Test the brush
starter is 42 ounces.
springs for proper tension, Minimum
tension in 42 ounces.
(13) Clean the field windings with a clean
assemble the starter.
d a m p e n e d in an approved
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
4-22. Generator (Model BMW-452-ENG)
Inspect the soldered connections for
a. Removal and Installation. Remove the in-
a loose, broken, or corroded condition.
Resolder defective connections.
(14) Test the field windings for an open
in numerical sequence of parts as illustrated in
circuit with a test lamp circuit. Test
between the terminal stud and each
field coils and other components in the frame
l e a d of the field windings. If the
and field of fungus resistant assemblies, it is
lamp fails to light on any of the above
necessary to replace the frame and field assem-
tests, an open circuit is indicated and
bly, if field coils are required.
the defective field windings must be
c. Cleaning, Inspection, Testing, and Re-
(15) Test the field windings for grounds
(1) Clean all metal parts, except the ball
with a test lamp circuit. Test between
the terminal stud and the field wind-
solvent and dry thoroughly.
ings housing. If the lamp lights, a
( 2 ) Inspect all hardware for breaks,
grounded condition exists. Break the
cracks, or damaged threads; replace if
electrical connections and test between
the terminal stud and the field wind-