TM 5-4310-227-15
A-1. Fire Protection
TB 5-4200-200-10 _____________________ H a n d Portable Fire Extinguisher for Army
A-2. Lubrication
LO 5-2805-203-14 ______________________ Engine, Gasoline: 6 HP; Military Standard
Model 4A032-I and Model 4A032-II.
LO 5-4310-227-15 _______________________ Compressor, Reciprocating; Air; Gasoline En-
gine; 15 CFM, 175 psi, w/WisconsinEngine,
Champion Pneumatic
M a c h i n e r y Company Models OEG-458-
ENG-1 (Air receiver mtd), OEG-458-ENG-
2 (Air Receiver mtd), OEG-458-ENG-3 Air
Receiver mtd), w/Military Standard Engine
Model 4A032-I), EMW-452-ENG (Trailer
mtd), BMW-452-ENG-1 (Trailer mtd).
A-3. Preventive Maintenance
TM 9-6140-200-15 _______________________ Operation and Organizational Field and Depot
Maintenance: Storage Batteries, Lead-acid
TM 38-750 _______________________ ___ Army Equipment Record Procedures.
TM 5-2805-203-24P _____________________ Organizational, DS and GS Maintenance Re-
pair Parts and Special Tool Lists, Engine,
Gasoline, Military Standard Models (Model
4A032-I FSN 2805-776-0483) (Model 4A-
032-II FSN 2805-068-7512).
TM 5-2805-203-14 ____________________ Operator, Organizational and Field Mainte-
nance Manual, Engine, Gasoline: 6 HP;
Military Standard Model 4A032-1. Serial
Numbers G-000001 thru G-000500 and G
001001 thru G-004004 FSN 2805-776-0483.
A-4. Supply Publications
C-9100IL ______________________________ Petroleum, Petroleum-Based Products and re-
lated Materials.