TM 5-4310-227-15
Section I.
B-1. Scope
O____Organization maintenance (operator/crew)
This appendix lists items which accompany
(3) Recoverability code, column 1c, indi-
c a t e s whether unserviceable items
tion, operation, or operator's maintenance. Sec-
should be returned for recovery or
tion II lists the accessories, tools, and publica-
salvage. Items not coded are expend-
tions required for the maintenance and opera-
able. Recoverability codes are -
tion by the operator, initially issued or author-
ized with the equipment. Section III lists the
R____Applied to repair parts and assemblies which
maintenance and operating supplies required
are ecnomically repairable at DSU and
for initial operation.
GSU activities and are normally furnished
by supply on an exchange basis.
B-2. Explanation of Columns
T____AppIied to high dollar value recoverable re-
The following provides an explanation of
pair parts which are subject to special
columns in the tabular list in Section II:
handling and are issued on an exchange
basis. Such repair parts are normally re-
a. Source, Maintenance and Recoverability
paired or overhauled at depot maintenance
Codes (Column 1).
(1) Source code, column 1a, indicates the
T____Applied to repair parts specifically selected
selection status and source for the
for salvage by reclamation units because
listed item. Source codes are:
of precious metal content, critical materi-
als, high dollar value reusable casings and
P____Applies to repair parts which are stocked in
or supplied from the GSA/DSA Army sup-
b. Federal Stock Number, Column 2. This
ply system, and authorized for use at in-
column indicates the Federal stock number
dicated maintenance categories.
for the item.
M____Applied to repair parts which are not pro-
cured or stacked but are to be manufac-
c. Description, Column 3. This column indi-
tured at indicated maintenance category
cates the federal item name and any additional
X2____Applied to repair parts which are not stocked.
description required. A five-digit manufac-
The indicated maintenance category requir-
turer's or other service code is shown in paren-
ing such repair parts will attempt to ob-
theses followed by the manufacturer's part
tain them through cannibalization. If not
obtainable through cannibalization, such
number. Repair parts quantities included in
repair parts will be requisitioned with sup-
kits, sets, and assemblies that differ from
the actual quantity used in the specific item are
listed in parentheses following the repair part
(2) Maintenance code, column 1b, indi-
cates the lowest category of mainte
d. Unit of Issue, Column 4. This column in-
nance authorized to install the listed
dicates the unit used as a basis for issue, e.g.,
The maintenance level code
ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.