TM 5-4310-227-15
14 Tapered bearing cone and roller (2 rqr)
Retaining ring (4 rqr)
15 Bearing cup (2 rqr)
Low-pressure piston pin
16 Oil seal
Oil piston ring (2 rqr)
17 Shim (as rqr)
Compression piston ring (3 rqr)
Compression piston ring (3 rqr)
18 Connecting rod cap (2 rqr)
19 Washer, lock, 3/8 in. (4 rqr)
Oil piston ring
20 Nut, hex, 3/8-24 (4 rqr)
High-pressure piston
21 High-pressure oil deflector
High-pressure piston pin
22 Low-pressure oil deflector
High-pressure sleeve bearing
23 Low-pressure connecting rod
High-pressure connecting rod
24 Low-pressure piston
Screw, cap, hex-hd, 3/8-24 X 2 1/8 in. (4 rqr)
25 Low-pressure sleeve bearing
Connecting rod bearing (4 rqr)
(10) If the connecting rod is too loose, re-
connecting rod and lock the high-
move a shim and reassemble the cap
pressure piston pin in the high-pres-
and connecting rod. Proper clearance
sure piston with the two retaining
is 0.0003 to 0.0016 inch.
rings (1). Use a soft faced hammer
(11) Install the high-pressure oil deflector
when installing any of the four pis-
(21), connecting rod cap (18), and
ton pins.
shims (17) in a similar manner as de-
A s s e m b l e the low-pressure piston
scribed in (6) through (10) above.
( 2 4 ) , low-pressure connecting rod
(12) Install the intake and exhaust valves
(23), low pressure piston pin (2) and
the retaining rings (1) in the same
manner as described in (2) through
(4) above.
Lubricate each piston and connecting
(14) Install the compressor assembly (para
rod assembly with a light coat of
crankcase lubricant specified in the lu-
bricatiom order. Use a suitable piston
4-39. Crankshaft, Bearings, and Oil Seed
a. Removal and Disassembly.
bled piston and connecting rod in the
(1) R e m o v e the centrifugal unloader
Position a new cylinder gasket cm the
install the assembled cylinder on the
(3) Remove the assembled crankshaft (2,
crankcase. Secure with the six nuts
(11). Tighten to 45-foot-pound tor-
crankcase (1).
(4) P l a c e the crankshaft in a suitable
p r e s s and remove the two tapered
turned at the proper angle for easy
b e a r i n g cones and rollers (1, fig.
access, pull the connecting rods (10
4-14) from the crankshaft (13).
and 23) down on the crankshaft.
(5) Remove the pipe plug from the rear
Install the low-pressure oil deflector
(22) in the connecting rod cap (18)
ing cup (15) and oil seal (16) out of
and install the connecting rod cap and
the crankcase. Discard the oil seal.
2 shims (17) on the low-pressure con-
Note. Remove the bearing cup only if it
necting rod. Secure with the 2 screws
needs to be replaced
(6) Remove the bearing cup (15) from the
(20). Tighten the nuts to 25 foot-