(1) Remove and discard the sealing tape
6. Unloading the Equipment
used to close battery vent openings.
a. If shipped by carrier remove all tiedowns
(2) Remove vent caps from the battery
of carrier.
(3) Fill each cell with electrolyte to the
b. Use a hoist or crane of suitable capacity.
bottom of filler opening. Check spe-
Attach hooks of lifting device to lifting eyes
cific gravity of electrolyte with a hy-
and remove the unit from bed of carrier.
drometer. The electrolyte should have
a specific gravity of 1.275 at a tem-
7. Unpacking the Equipment
perature of 80 Fahrenheit (F.).
a. If the air compressor is received packaged
Warning: Electrolyte contains sul-
in a crate, remove all crating, protective cover-
furic acid and can cause severe skin
ings, protective tape and oil resistant paper
burns. If the electrolyte comes in con-
from the unit. Use care in removal to avoid
tact with the body or clothing, rinse
damage to instruments, controls, tubing, and
immediately with clean water. Avoid
painted surfaces.
spilling electrolyte on painted sur-
b. Prepare the air compressor for inspection
and operation as outlined on DA Form 2258, at-
(4) Replace vent caps on battery cells.
tached on or near the operator's controls.
Table I.
8. Inspecting and Servicing the Equipment
a. Check all equipment received with the
packing list.
b. Inspect the entire unit carefully for miss-
ing or damaged parts, insecure mounting or
loose objects. Make sure all components are se-
curely mounted.
c. Perform the daily preventive maintenance
with the current lubrication order.
e. Fill the cooling system with the proper
coolant. Tighten any leaking hose connections.
f. Be sure the fuel tank drain cock (2, fig.
22) is closed. Fill the fuel tank with the proper
grade of fuel. Check all fuel line connections
for leaks.
9. Installation of
Separately Packed Com-
a. The two 12-volt batteries are shipped in
dry-charge condition. Remove the electrolyte
from the packing crates and install as follows: