of fresh air available for compression
10. Installation or
Setting up
and cooling.
a. Outdoor Installation.
(3) Install gastight exhaust pipe exten-
(1) For outdoor installation select a solid,
sions to carry exhaust fumes to the
clean and level area that will support
outside. Use as few bends as possible
the air compressor.
in the extensions and install metal
(2) For installation in soft ground, mud,
shields where the extensions pass
through flammable walls. Wrap the
lumber of suitable size.
exhaust lines with asbestos if there is
T h e a i r compressor
any danger of anyone touching them.
should never be operated more than
15 off level.
to be operated in an enclosed area,
b. Indoor Installation.
(1) Provide for at least 4 feet of access
exhaust gas must be piped to the out-
space on all sides of the unit.
side. Exhaust fumes contain carbon
(2) Make sure that the enclosure is well
monoxide, which is a colorless, odor-
ventilated, with a maximum supply
less and poisonous gas.
Figure 5. Instruments and Controls.
AGO 8166A