Section IV.
(3) Disconnect the oil hose fittings from
123. Air Receiver-Oil Separator
the oil cooler.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(4) Remove screws (21, fig. 25), washers
(1) Drain the oil from the system.
(22) and brackets (23).
(2) Refer to figure 36 for removal and
(5) Remove screws (26, fig. 17) and
disassembly of air receiver-oil sepa-
w a s h e r s (19).
(6) Remove screws (24, fig. 25), washers
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(22) and pads (25). Lift out oil cooler.
(1) Clean all metal parts with an approved
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
cleaning solvent. Dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect agglomerator (21). Replace
(1) Clean the oil cooler in an approved
if clogged or if an excessive amount
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
of oil was noted in the discharge air.
Use a stream of compressed air in the
(3) Inspect the receiver (37) for leaks,
direction opposite to normal air flow
cracks, breaks, or other damage. Re-
to clean all dirt from the oil cooler
p l a c e if damaged.
fins. If necessary, complete the clean-
(4) Inspect gage (32) for condition of
ing with a brush, taking care not to
float and linkage. Replace if damaged
bend or damage the oil cooler fins.
o r inoperative.
(2) Inspect the oil cooler for bends, cracks,
(5) Inspect safety valve (7) for broken
damaged fins, possible internal ob-
spring or other damage. Replace if
structions, evidence of leaks, or other
damaged or inoperative.
(6) Inspect applicable parts for condition
(3) Straighten bends, and repair damaged
of threads. Replace if threads are
fins and leaks.
stripped, damaged, or excessively
(4) Replace oil cooler if necessary.
c. Installation.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(1) Position the oil cooler in front of the
(1) Refer to figure 36 for reassembly and
radiator. Secure on pads (25) with
installation of air receiver-oil sepa-
washers (22) and screws (24).
(2) Install washers (19, fig. 17) and
(2) Refill system with oil according to the
screws (24).
current lubrication order.
(3) Secure brackets (23, fig. 25) with
washers (22) and screws (21).
(4) Connect oil hoses to oil cooler.
a. Removal.
(5) Install housing assembly (para 63).
(1) Drain oil from system.
(2) Remove housing assembly (para 63).
(6) Refill system.