(4) Remove screws at top of instrument
panel. Disconnect tube clamps.
a. Removal.
(5) Remove attaching screws, washers
(1) Remove fire extinguisher (4, fig. 17)
and nuts from the housing (32, fig.
from its bracket by opening clamp.
17). Attach lifting device and remove
(2) Remove the attaching screws and the
housing assembly.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved clean-
(1) Clean bracket with an approved clean-
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect for dents, breaks, cracks, rust,
(2) Inspect fire extinguisher. Refer to
or other damage. Replace parts if
(3) Inspect all parts for damage or wear
(3) Paint all surfaces where the paint has
and replace if damaged.
been removed or damaged. Refer to
c. Installation.
TB-740-93-2 for detailed instruc-
(1) Position bracket and secure with
(4) Inspect for damage or wear and re-
(2) Position fire extinguisher in bracket
and lock in place with clamp.
c. Installation.
(1) Position housing assembly and secure
with screws, washers and nuts.
a. Removal.
(2) Fasten instrument panel screws. Con-
nect tube clamps.
cleaner hoses (34 and 35, fig. 17).
(3) Install muffler and fittings (para 77).
(2) Disconnect the receiver-to-reel hose at
(4) Install air cleaner hoses (fig. 17).
the receiver.
(5) Connect receiver-to-reel hose at the
(3) Remove the muffler and fittings
polished appearance. Blow out all dust
and grit with compressed air.
a. Removal. Refer to figure 18 and remove
Caution: Do not use emery or car-
the generator.
borundum cloth. The particles from
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
these cloths can short out segments
of the commutator.
(4) If the commutator is pitted, or if the
all other parts except electrical wiring
mica between the segments is high,
with an approved cleaning solvent and
replace the generator.
dry thoroughly. Make sure that sol-
(5) Inspect the brushes and replace them
if they are oil-soaked, or if they are
(2) Inspect the terminals for corrosion.
worn to less than half their original
Clean with a wire brush if necessary,
length. The length of a new brush is
and apply a small amount of light
seven-eighths inch, c below.
c. Brush Replacement.
(3) Remove the inspection cover band
(1) Use a hook to lift up the brush arm.
from the generator housing. Clean
Remove the screw and washers that
the commutator, if necessary, by in-
secure the brush lead to the brush-
serting a piece of No. 00 sandpaper
holder; lift out the brush.
between the brushes with the rough
(2) Position the new brush. Be sure the
side against the commutator. Work
spring is properly seated against the
the sandpaper back and forth and
brush arm. Connect the brush lead
around the commutator until it has a