applying lubricant. Keep all lubricant containers
b. Check the drive-belt tension frequently. Im-
proper drive-belt tension often results in over-
clean and tightly cosed. Do not lubricate exces-
sively as dirt and sand will adhere to excess lubri-
cant and may work into moving parts. Wipe off all
c. Locate the air compressor in an operating area
lubrication points after lubricating.
that is well ventilated or provide intake and exhaust
fans to ventilate in closed area.
d. Fill the fuel tank at the end of each day's
screens, shelters, built from tarpaulins, or other
operation, especially in areas where the temperature
dustproof material. Keep the unit covered when not
drops sharply at night, This will prevent conden-
in use.
sation from forming in the fuel tank.
e. Keep the engine clean. Service the engine air
than when operating under normal conditions.
cleaner as often as necessary.
d. Take adequate precautions to prevent sand and
21. Operation
in Dusty or Sandy Areas
dirt from entering the fuel tank. Service the fuel
strainer as often as necessary to keep the bowl free
a. Lubricate the air compressor in accordance
from dirt and sand. Clean the engine air cleaner
with the lubrication order, making sure that all
lubrication points are free from dirt and sand before
more often than usual.