1 Pin
2 Lever
3 Valve
Section IX.
threads for wear or damage. Replace a defective
intercooler relief valve.
Refer to TM 5-2805-208-14.
Install the intercooler safety
c. Installation.
valve (1) in the high-pressure intake manifold by
turning the valve clockwise.
77. Interstate Safety Valve
a. Removal. Stop the engine and drain all air
a. Removal.
valve (1, fig. 21C) from the high-pressure intake
manifold by turning the valve counterclockwise.
opening the draincock (fig. 1 x or 1 y ).
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Wash the intercooler
safety valve with an approved cleaning solvent. In-
(3) Remove the air pressure gage as illustrated
spect the cracks in the body of the valve, Inspect the