(1) Install gears to their original posi-
b. Reassembly.
tion. Longitudinal taper pin holes
(1) Install taper pin by re-reaming the
must be aligned.
original hold if the movement be-
Install taper pin in one gear only.
tween the shaft and gear was neg-
Retime the impeller as described in
ligable. If re-reaming fails to elimi-
nate edges set up by retiming, the
Install second taper pin.
hole must be re-drilled and reamed
Replace gear case.
for the next larger size taper pin.
Lubricate, refer to current lubrica-
(2) Recheck to be sure impeller clear-
tion order.
ances were maintained after taper pin
Note. To facilitate positioning, factory
(3) Replace gear case.
replacement gears are not drilled. These
(4) Relubricate (refer to current lubrica-
holes must be drilled after the gears are in
proper position and the unit has been re-
tion order).
a. Removal.
a. Removal.
(1) Drain gear case of lubricant.
(1) Remove compressor from unit, (para
(2) Remove gear case.
(3) Remove taper pins by placing a short
(2) Drain gear case.
length of pipe over the shaft, clear-
ing the taper pin, and drive the tim-
(4) Remove gear case.
ing gear further into the shaft. This
action will loosen taper pins, figure
(7) Remove 1/4-20 hex head screw on
gear end headplate.
(5) Remove timing gears with a gear
(8) Remove the gear end headplate by
striking the impeller shafts alternate-
b. Cleaning and inspection.
ly with a brass punch as shown in fig-
(1) Clean gear with an approved solvent.
(2) inspect gear for cracked and broken
separate from the impeller case.
teeth and excess wear.
c. Reassemble.