TM 5-4310-276-14
Do not use near open flame or exces-
Detailed Lubrication Infor-
sive heat. Flash point of solvent is
100F. (38C.).
tainers and store in a clean, dry place away from ex-
c. Points of Lubrication. Service the lubri-
ternal heat. Allow no dust, dirt, or other foreign ma-
cation points at proper intervals.
terial to mix with the lubricants. Keep all
d. OES Oil.
lubrication equipment clean and ready for use.
b. Cleaning. Keep all external parts not re-
quently, as oil consumption may increase.
quiring lubrication clean of lubricants. Before lu-
(2) Oil may require changing more frequently
bricating the equipment, wipe all lubrication points
free of dirt and grease. Clean all lubrication points
sludge formation will increase under cold weather
after lubricating to prevent accumulation of foreign
operation conditions.
e. Operation Immediately After Lubri-
cation. Visually check crankcase for
cracks or
loose oil drain connections which would allow oil to
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to
leak. During operation check all gasket points for
clean parts is potentially dangerous to
indications of oil leaks. Check oil seal visually for
personnel and property. Avoid re-
peated and prolonged skin contact.
a. Item Number Column. Checks and services
are numbered in chronological order regardless of
interval. This column will be used as a source of
ation at all times, it must be inspected system-
item numbers for the "TM Item Number" column
atically so that the defects may be discovered and
on DA Form 2404 in recording results of PMCS.
corrected before they result in serious damage or
b. Interval Columns. The columns headed B,
failure. Defects discovered during operation of the
D, A, W and M, will contain a dot () opposite the
unit shall be noted for future corrections, to be
appropriate check indicating it is to be performed
made as soon as an operation has ceased. Stop oper-
Before, During, After, Weekly, or Monthly.
ation which would damage the equipment if oper-
c. Item to be Inspected Column. The items
ation were to continue. All deficiencies and short-
listed in this column are divided into groups and
comings shall be recorded together with the
identifies the items to be inspected.
corrective action taken on DA Form 2404, Equip-
d. Procedures Column. This column contains a
ment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, at
brief description of the procedure by which the
the earliest opportunity. When performing your Be-
check is to be eprformed.
fore Operation (B) and During Operation (D)
e. For Readiness Reporting, Equipment is
PMCS, always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and
Not Ready/Available If: Column. This column
WARNINGS. After operation, be sure to perform
will contain the criteria which will cause the equip-
your (A) PMCS. If your equipment fails to operate,
ment to be classified as not Ready/Available be-
troubleshoot with proper equipment. Report any
cause of inability to perform its primary mission.
deficiencies using the proper forms, see TM 38-750.
If the equipment must be kept in continuous oper-
Operator/Crew Preventive
ation, check and service only those items that can
be checked and serviced without disturbing oper-
Maintenance Checks and Ser-
ation. Make the complete checks and services when
the equipment can be shut down.
Refer to table 3-1 for Preventive Maintenance
Checks and Services.