TM 5-4310-354-14
2-2. Operation Under Usual Conditions.
compressor unit.
a. General.
The following instructions and
information are for the guidance of personnel
c. Operation of Equipment.
responsible for the operation of this equipment. The
operator must know how to perform every operation of
(1) The air compressor unit is designed to
which the unit is capable. The following paragraphs
supply compressed air for the operation of pneumatic
contain instructions for starting, operating, and stopping.
tools used in general construction work.
Since nearly every job presents a different task, the
discharge connections are provided for attaching
operator may have to vary given procedures to fit the
pneumatic tools and accessories. Two connections, with
specific condition.
service valves, are provided on top of the minimum
pressure valve assembly. This assembly is located on
b. Starting the Equipment.
top of the oil separator assembly. The third connection
is on the hose reel. The connections are of the quick
(1) Open the unit housing doors on both sides
disconnect type.
and perform the necessary daily and before operation
automatically after starting and warm-up. Only periodic
(2) Check air demand requirements for task
inspection and servicing is required during operation.
to be performed.
Refer to the preventive maintenance checks and
services, table 3-1, under the during operation heading.
(3) As operating air demand increases, the
compressor output increases to meet the demand within
Operating the compressor unit below
the capacity of the unit. When demand decreases, the
80 PSI (5.6 KG/CM ) may cause
output decreases. This automatic loading and unloading
overheating of compressor and
of the compressor maintains a continuous supply of
excessive oil consumption.
compressed air. Make certain that air demand does not
certain pressure regulator is set
exceed the unit capability of 125 CFM at 100 PSI
properly and that minimum pressure
(3.5M /MIN at 7KB/CM ).
valve is functioning. Make certain
the air demand for task being
(4) The operator should observe the various
performed does not exceed capacity
gauges periodically to ensure that unit is operating
of the unit.
properly and that no malfunction exists.