TM 5-4310-369-14
impermeable gloves when handling the solvent
General Lubrication Information
or material wet with drycleaning solvent. Wash
Refer to LO 5-2805-256-12.
hands immediately after exposure with soap
and water and use a lanolin based skin cream
to prevent skin drying. Do not use near open
flame or excessive heat. Flash point of solvent
a. Refer to
figure 3-1 for lubrication points and table
is 100F (38C). Ensure that ventilation ade-
3-1 for lubricant specifications.
quate to reduce solvent vapor concentrations
b. Intervals and related task-hour times are based on
below acceptable threshold limit values
normal hours of operation. The task-hour time specified is
is provided.
the time you need to do all the services prescribed for a
c. Clean fittings before lubricating. Relubricate all areas
particular interval. Shorten the interval if your lubricants
exposed to water after amphibious operation. Lubricate
are contaminated or if you are operating the equipment
points indicated by arrow shaft on both sides of equipment.
under adverse operating conditions.
Clean parts with drycleaning solvent, PD-680, or with oil,
or diesel. Dry before lubricating. Drain crankcase, fill and
check level.
Drycleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to clean
Engine Lubrication
parts is potentially dangerous to personnel
Refer to LO 5-2805-256-12.
and property. Avoid repeated and prolonged
skin contact by wearing rubber or solvent
Change 1
All data on page 3-2 and 3-3 including fig. 3-2. deleted.