b. Cleaning
(1) Remove all build up of dirt or debris from all parts.
DO NOT breathe cleaning solvent vapors for long periods of time or use solvent near
open flames. To avoid illness, explosion, or fire, only use solvent in well ventilated areas
away from open flames.
(2) Clean all accessible metal surfaces of parts using a clean, soft cloth (item 2, Appendix E)
(3) Allow parts to dry.
c. Inspection.
(1) Starter
a) Pull starter rope out and allow it to retract into starter a few times. If operating is not
smooth or consistent, replace starter.
b) Inspect starter housing for dents. Replace if housing is dented.
(2) Clutch
Inspect clutch shaft for rounding of corners or nicks and cracks on shaft.
(3) Blower Housing
a) Inspect housing for dents. Repair dents to housing.
b) Check housing for cracks or damaged mounting holes and threaded holes. Replace
housing if mounting holes or threads are damaged.
d. Installation.
(1) Install clutch (6) by placing clutch onto engine shaft, bracing flywheel (5) with flywheel
holder and rotating clutch (6) counterclockwise with a starter clutch wrench.
(2) Install screen (7), pulley (8), and four screws (9).
(3) Attach wire to switch (2) as tagged.
(4) Install blower housing (3) and four screws (1).
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