TM 5-4310-387-14Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS).NOTEWithin designated intervals, these checks are to be performed in the order listed.If the equipment must be kept in continuous operation, check and service only those items thatcan be checked and serviced without disturbing operation. Make the complete checks andservices when the equipment can be shut down.B - BeforeD - DuringA - AfterW - WeeklyIntervalItemItem to be Inspected.Equipment is notNo.BDAWProcedureReady/Available If1.Frame Assembly.a. Inspect frame assembly for loose bolts andmissing hardware.b. Inspect frame, belt guard, and storage tray forFrame is cracked or hasdamage.broken welds.2.Compressor Assembly.a. Inspect compressor assembly for damaged ormissing components.b. Inspect drain valves for damage and properDrain valves are broken oroperation.inoperable.c. Inspect pressure gages for damage andPressure gages arecurrent calibration.damaged, inoperable ornot calibrated.NOTETo obtain proper oil levelreading, the dipstick must bescrewed back in, then removedand oil level checked.d. Check oil level in compressor. Add oil ifOil level is below add oilnecessary.mark.e. Open drain valves every 15 minutes anddrain condensation.2-8
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