b. Installation. Screw the two grease control
b. Repair.
(1) Replace all packing in the control valve.
valves into two grease lubricant reels, see TM
(2) Repair is made by replacement.
5-13. Control Valves Reassembly
a n d Installation
a. Reassembly. Reassemble the control valves
(6) Turn the 3/8 inch open end wrench
counterclockwise and remove nut (7, fig, 5-5)
The air powered pumps are mounted opposite the
from the trip rod assembly (44).
hose reel assembly. A 40 t o 1 ratio pump is
(7) Disassemble as illustrated in numerical
mounted on the center lubricant container and
one 12 to 1 ratio pump is mounted on each of the
two outside lubricant containers. The pumps are
heavy duty, reciprocating, industrial type pumps.
5-16. Lubricating Unit Pumps
Two hand meters are attached to hoses from
I n s p e c t i o n and Repair
the two 12 to 1 ratio pumps for dispensing gear
a. Inspection.
and motor oil and two control valves are attached
(1) Inspect rods for bends or other damage,
to the hose from the 40 to 1 ratio pump for dis-
pensing grease.
(2) Inspect threads for wear or damage.
(3) Inspect springs for distortion or fatigue.
5-15. Lubricating Unit Pumps Removal
a n d Disassembly
(4) Inspect housing for cracks and other
a. Removal. Remove the lubricant pumps as
instructed in TM 5-4930-207-12.
b. Repair.
b. Disassembly.
(1) Repair is performed by replacement.
(1) Unscrew plug and insert assembly (1
(2) Replace all parts supplied in parts kits.
and 2, fig. 5-5) and O-ring (3) from body (32).
(2) Unscrew four screws (4) and remove
5-17. Lubricating Unit Pumps
adapter (5) with the O-ring (6) from valve body.
R e a s s e m b l y and Installation
(3) Move piston trip rod assembly (44, fig.
a. Reassembly.
reassemble in reverse of disassembly.
A liquid sealant is applied to the threads of rod
(44, fig. 5-5) to hold nuts (7 and 39) securely.
(2) Clean threads of trip rod (44, fig.
Special precautions must be observed therefore
5-50), thoroughly before applying liquid sealant.
when disassembling and reassembling these parts.
(3) Apply liquid sealant to threads of trip
(4) Place a 3/8 inch open end wrench on the
rod (44) from which nuts have been removed.
(4) Reassemble trip rod with slip joint pliers
(5) Cover the rod with cloth and insert a
and 3/8 inch open end wrench.
slip joint pliers through adapter opening and
grasp trip rod assembly above the shoulder at
(5) When a new slide (19,22) is installed in
point marked B.
the air motor, the parts should be assembled with
the letter "T" in the up position.
b. Installation. Refer to TM 54930-207-12
Do not scratch the chrome finish on trip
and install as instructed.
rod assembly.