moisture cannot contaminate the lubricant.
The compressor on the lubricating unit is a
two-stage, 28 cfm unit. The twin-cylinder
construction gives a higher discharge pressure
with less consumption of power. The larger
cylinder is a low pressure cylinder and the
b. Disassembly. Remove the compressor air
smaller is the high pressure cylinder. The low
pressure, or first stage, exhausts air into an
cleaner (para 3-98) and disassemble the com-
intercooler which cools the air before it enters
pressor in the numerical sequence as illustrated
under pressure (45 psi) into the high pressure'
cylinder. The compressor is equipped with an
c. Cleaning.
oil monitor which affords maximum protection
(1) Wash all parts of compressor as-
against damage due to insufficient oil in the
sembly, except bearings and gaskets in dry
cleaning solvent. Dry the parts with clean, lint-
tion system provides adequate lubrication,
free cloths and place in covered containers.
even if the oil level in the reservoir is low. The
Use a small brush to swab out the lubricating
compressor is equipped with an automatic
oil passages in the crankcase.
pressure control which unloads the compressor
(2) Wash bearings in filtered dry cleaning
when the tank pressure has reached 175 psi
solvent, then dry using the vacuum air method.
and allows compression to resume when pres-
Lubricate bearings immediately after cleaning.
sure has dropped to 145 psi, A centrifugal
Warning: Avoid touching clean bear-
unloader automatically opens a valve releasing
compression from cylinders, intercooler and
ings with bare fingers; do not spin bearing
while dry.