engine oil. One hose is used for dispensing air
(2) Inspect frame (1) for bends, cracks,
under pressure. Each hose reel is equipped
or other defects. Replace if defective.
with a lock to prevent hoses from unreeling.
(3) Inspect all threaded surfaces for
stripped or cross threads. If beyond repair,
8-13. Chassis, Gear and Engine
Oil Reels
d. Repair.
a. Removal. Remove the reels as described
(1) To replace hose, pull out old hose to
in paragraph 8-101.
its fullest extent, unscrew from outlet and
attach and rewind new hose.
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the reels in nu-
(2) If hose reel leaks at swivel, remove
swivel and check packing parts (6, 7, 8 and 9
c. Cleaning.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
ing solvent.
install all reels.
penser in the numerical sequence as illus-
The alcohol dispenser is used to inject alcohol
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
into the air lines leading to the lubricating
(1) Replace all worn or damaged parts.
pumps to prevent condensate freezeup. The
(2) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
alcohol dispenser is equipped with an eight
ing solvent.
ounce capacity bowl and a handle needle valve
(3) Replace all parts with those supplied
which controls the flow of alcohol.
in the repair kit.
d. Reassembly. Reassembly is the reverse of
remove the alcohol dispenser.
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the alcohol dis-