TM 5-4930-218-14
Figure 4-10. Compressor pilot value showing adjustment points.
(3) If the overall range is too high or too low af-
(2) To adjust the spread of the range (that is, to in-
ter adjusting the spread of the range, you must read-
crease or decrease the difference between the cut-in
just the adjusting screw (2) as required. Tighten all
and cut-out pressures), you should loosen the inner
lock nuts after making the adjustment.
lock nut (4) and rotate the adjusting barrel (3). Turn-
ing the barrel clockwise will increase the spread bet-
(4) Replace the pilot valve if you cannot adjust it
ween cut-in and cut-out pressures. Turning it coun-
to control the pressure properly.
terclockwise will decrease the spread.
b. Removal.
(1) Drain all air pressure from the air system
Do not leave the adjusting barrel (3)
before disconnecting air lines. Disconnect the tubes
screwed down to the bottom position.
(3 and 8, fig. 4-11) and fittings (7 and 9) from the pilot
It will prevent the pilot valve from
valve (11).