TM 5-4930-218-14
(2) Inspect hoses for cracks, abrasions, fraying,
(2) Remove two cap screws (6), nuts (7), lock
collapsed walls, and damaged threads on hose ends;
washers (8), and clamps (9) that secure tube assembly
replace damaged hoses.
(11) to frame; remove tube assembly.
(3) Inspect the tube assemblies for clogging,
(3) Remove the gear oil hoses (12 and 13) and fit-
cracked tube ends or tube nuts, dents, restrictions,
tings (14, 15, and 16).
and other damage; replace damaged tube assemblies.
(4) Remove two cap screws (17), nuts (18), lock
(4) Inspect all other parts for cracks, distortion,
washers (19), and clamps (20) that secure tube assem-
damaged threads and clogging. Replace damaged
bly (22) to frame; remove tube assembly.
(5) Remove the chassis lubricant hoses (23, 24,
c. Reassembly and Installation. Reassembly and in-
and 25) and fittings (26, 27, 28, and 29).
stallation are the reverse of removal and disassem-
(6) Remove two cap screws (30), nuts (31), lock
washers (32), and clamps (33) that secure tube assem-
should check for leaks and make any corrections
bly (35) to frame; remove tube assembly. Remove nip-
ple (36).
(7) Remove two cap screws (37), nuts (38), and
lock washers (39) that secure grease manifold (40) to
a. Removal.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Disconnect the air lines from the lubricant
(1) Wipe the hoses and tubes with a cloth dam-
pened with dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680).
(2) Disconnect the lubricant lines from the
Flush the interiors with solvent and blow through
them with compressed air to insure that they are
(3) Remove the air and lubricant fittings (1 and
clear and free from restrictions. Clean all remaining
parts by washing in solvent. Dry thoroughly.