plate (2) and handwheel (3) from the valve stem (8).
(2) Unscrew and remove the packing nut (4) and stuffing box (7). Press the gland (5) and packing (6) from the
stuffing box.
(3) Unscrew the bonnet (11) from the valve body (9) lifting off the stem (8) and disk (10) with the bonnet. If
necessary, unscrew the stem from the disk.
c. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean all parts inside and out, with cleaning solvent, and allow parts to dry thoroughly
before reassembling. Discard and replace the packing.
(1) Insert the worn end of the stem (8) through the bonnet (11) and screw the stem into the disk (10). Screw
the bonnet into the valve body (9).
(2) Screw the stuffing box (7) onto the bonnet, and carefully press the packing (6) and gland (5) down into
place. Then install the packing nut (4), being careful not to overtighten it.
(3) Fasten the handwheel (3) and identification plate (2) to the end of the stem with the wheel nut (1).
e. Installation (fig. 51). In the following order, install the reducing bushing (5), nipple (3), elbow (4), nipple (3),
service valve (2) and hose end coupling (1).
115. Drain Cocks and Piping
a. Removal (fig. 51). In the following order, remove the 1-inch nipple (46), drain cock (45), 7/8-inch nipple (44),
reducing bushing (43), 6 1/2-inch nipple (42) and elbow (41).
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean the drain cock and all fittings with a cloth dampened in cleaning solvent and dry
with compressed air. If the drain cock is not operating properly, it must be replaced.
c. Installation (fig. 51). In the following order, install the elbow (41), 6 1/2-inch nipple (42), reducing bushing (43),
7/8-inch nipple (44), drain cock (45) and 1-inch nipple (46).
116. Aftercooler to Receiver Connection
(1) Remove the four hex head bolts (9) and self-locking nuts (12) that fasten the connection (15) to the
connection fitting (10).
(2) Remove the three self-locking nuts (13) from the studs (14), and remove the studs with the special nuts
(18), spacers (19), spring washers (20) and end washers (21) installed.