TM 3-4310-100-20 & P
Figure 2-4. First stage strainer and filter assembly (AN-M4D model only)
Adding Oil
Excessive high or low ambient
(1) Remove the oil breather cap or dipstick
temperatures (below 0 F or above 110
and wipe with a clean dry cloth.
F), prolonged periods of operation
(2) Add lubricating oil (NSN 9150-00-
(two hours or more) or operating in
7534667) to the air compressor as required to raise the
sand or dust will necessitate more
level of the oil within the oil level sight circle or on the
frequent change of the lubricant.
dipstick full mark.
(2) The 50-hour operation interval 3 based on
(3) Replace the oil breather cap or dipstick.
good operating conditions.
(3) Drain the oil reservoir while the
compressor is turned off and still hot.
c. Changing Oil
(1) Change the oil in the compressor units
the oil from the reservoir.
after every 50 hours of operation.