TM 5-4310-227-15
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Leak in intercooler or after-
Foundation insecure ______Strengthen the foundation
cooler tubes ___________Replace the intercoolers or
or relocate the air
compressor on a solid
and 3-81).
Pistin rings or piston worn Replace the compressor
3-25. Field Expedient Repairs
Operational troubles may occur while the air
compressor is operating in the field where sup-
plies and repair parts are not available and
Probable cause
Possible remedy
normal remedial action cannot be performed.
Oil level too low _________Add oil to the crankcase
When this condition exists, the expedient rem-
edies listed below may be used only upon the
decision of the, unit commander. Equipment so
v-belts worn ____________Replace the V-belts
repaired must be removed from operation at
the earliest possible moment and properly re-
paired before being placed in operation again.
3-23. V-Belts Worn Excessively
Expedient remedy
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Compressor air cleaner
Remove the air cleaner
V-belts too tight or too
Engine air cleaner clogged _Remove the air cleaner
Oil or grease on V-belts ___Clean or replace the V-
Caution: Operating the unit in sandy or dusty area
without an air cleaner can cause damage to the engine
or compressor.
3-24. Compressor Vibrates Excessively
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Fuel strainer clogged _______Bypass fuel strainer (para
Mounting insecure ________Tighten the mounting bolts.
Pulley out of line _________Inspect and adjust the
Caution: Operating the unit with dirty fuel and no
alinement of the pulley
fuel strainer in the system can result in engine stop-
page and damage to the carburetor.
Section V.
ly. Since the electrical disturbances generated
a. Interference. The term "interference" as
electrical waves in the radio frequency range,
used herein applies to electrical disturbances in
they must be suppressed for two important
the radio frequency range which are generated
reasons. First, they will interfere with the
by the air compressor and which may interfere
proper operation of the friendly radio set, and
with the proper operation of radio receivers or
second, they will enable the enemy to locate
other electronic equipment.
the equipment and its asscociated units.
terference suppression" as used herein applies
3-28. General Sources of
to the methods used to eliminate or effectively
Generally, radio interference is generated
anywhere a spark occurs or where a high-fre
3-27. Purpose of
Interference Suppression
quency current is present. A spark is
amount of current jumping an
The tactical importance of effective interfer-
ence suppression cannot be dressed too great-
sponse to the force of a relatively